I have zero professional training but I usually find the spot, the story and the shot. I trust my instincts more than my techniques. I shoot from the hip spontaneously; I scribe surreptitiously. Some of it I keep but most of it I toss. That's my method. Sometimes I get lucky. Sometimes I don't. The lucky ones are on display here. Have a look. Have a read. My travel portfolio is mainly from Asia but also includes stories and pics from North America.
If interested, contact me for a peculiar side job, photo documentary work, or gonzo style travel journalism; I can be reached at burnoutinasia@yahoo.com or drop me a line here on the website.
Enjoy the travel tales & occular mosaic bop prosody.
Cyrus Kelso
Creative Caveat:
Cyrus Kelso is the pseudonym (or alias) of the author of this blog whose Christian name will not be broadcast for the sole purpose of avoiding self-censorship, for without such freedom of expression the human spirit is arguably doomed. This simple act of concealment is done not out of cowardice on the author's part but rather, out of expressive consideration for the process of confessional writing. Any other names which herein appear have been changed to not only honor the aforementioned creative license of the author, but also protect and safeguard against any such persons from having their identities tarnished in any way. All names that appear in these tales have been changed. But all stories are true. Some readers may not understand the motives for articulating explicit tales of experiential traveling and living. But the author has taken Hunter Thompson's "gonzo style" and used it to hone his own craft of narrative. This embrace often (but not always) lends itself to more licentious ways of living closer to the edge; where taboos border the accepted, leading to occasional bouts of (enlightened?) debauchery, misanthropic rants (which strive for eloquence), excitable melancholic and/or manic ruminations, and shades of sardonic senses of humor. This may very well alienate a large swath of potential readership but for those that are offended; I do understand. But we all have to find our way, however allegedly sinful or saintly it may appear.
To quote Henry Miller, "Whoever uses the spirit in himself creatively is an artist. To make living [and traveling] itself an art, that is the goal."
This blog explores the art of travel, and also delves into opinions related to topics of cross-cultural differences, global economic realities, geopolitics, and relevant, pertinent or interesting historical narratives but always from a layman's perspective as a first hand tourist and expat resident burned-out in Asia. Hope you enjoy the tales, the tips, and the views.
© burnoutinAsia 2015 All rights reserved.